Our Mission
To restore the sanctity of the entertainment world through truth, purpose, and intention by making room for and affording creative artists, who hold the raw talent & skill but lack the resources, the opportunity, the blank canvas, and the tools to create. All the while offer worlds of retreat and escape to real people, who face real things, by providing representative and relevant entertainment to them through all forms of media. To be the place where kingdom creativity thrives”
Through the inspiration of a vision one Wednesday night, March of 2018, Joshua Blocker set out to found and start DaWay Entertainment, LLC, "The Place Where Kingdom Creativity Thrives". In this vision Joshua was able to see a store but not just your regular store, This store housed innovations, ideas, creativity,etc. The vision seemed bigger than himself and immediately he ran from it. Now accepting the challenge of reaching his destiny he set out to do entertainment HIS way. For Joshua entertainment was never about "fame" it has always been a ministry for him. Often saying,"If what you do is not meaningful to the soul of a person, You're just wasting time", Joshua has committed to telling real stories for & by all people with an agenda deeper than money and euphoria. The agenda to push here is helping, healing, and change one story at a time. Why "Kingdom Creativity"? It is my understanding that creativity can't just be reduced to one way, be it my way or yours. One can only create from what inspires them but there was no room for you or anybody to be "different", UNTIL NOW. Kingdom just simply means all People, regardless of race, gender, orientation, status, We all deserve to be heard, we all deserve the chance to express ourselves truthfully and freely because there is someone else out there, like us, that needs to feel seen. DaWay Entertainment is not just about Joshua, it's about creating room for you too!!
This, You Must Do Because You
Love I t!!
You Can't Do This to Be
DaWay Entertainment isn't just limited to one form of art. We are here to make room for ALL creativity. DaWay Entertainment houses four (4) stand alone entities, Kingdom Hollywood Productions/ the Kingdom Hollywood Foundation/ JuJo Publishing Co. & The Creative's Gym.
Kingdom Hollywood Productions serves as a Production Company for film, television, & media produced by Joshua Blocker. It is the Hollywood standard without the Hollywood Bias.
The Kingwood Foundation would serve as a non-profit that would only produce and put on theatrical productions but also serves as a training ground to cultivate the gifting in those performers who have the heart for the creative arts but not necessarily the resources.
JuJo Publishing serve the publication of literary pieces of entertainment, i.e books, novels, screenplays, shorts, plays..etc.
The Creative's Gym is simply a network of talented artists that will serve as personal trainers to those individuals that would like one on one training in their area of creativity. You have a gym and & trainer to help you reach fitness goals, why not have the same for performance goals. Network includes, acting coaching, voice lessons, graphic design, story development, writing, etc.